Malacological publications authored by Bernard Verdcourt.


By B. Rowson, P. Tattersfield, J. Gallichan & B. Verdcourt

Extracted from Journal of Conchology 40, pp.681–704

This lists publications upon which Verdcourt was a named author and that concern mainly or entirely Mollusca (Recent or fossil). The order used is generally that in which they appear in Verdcourt’s own lists of publications (1997f, 2002b, 2009), which is not strictly chronological (we are not aware of any conflicting priorities). Seventeen unlisted publications have been added. His many contributions of molluscan records, lists or illustrations to other works are not listed, with the exception of one where he co-authored a taxon but not the publication (1960k).

1945a     The Mollusca of Bedfordshire. Journal of Conchology 22: 124–129.
1945b     Pomatias elegans (Müll.) in the Hitchin Region. Journal of the Letchworth Naturalists' Society 5: 6–7.
1946a     An introduction to the study of radulae. The Microscope 6: 35–39, figs 1–2.
1946b     Two years collecting in the Reading District. Journal of Conchology 22: 227–228.
1946c     The microscopical examination of the food of snails. The Microscope 6: 51–52, fig.
1947a     Aplexa hypnorum (L.) in Bedfordshire. Journal of Conchology 22: 261.
1947b     The speed of land Mollusca. Journal of Conchology 22: 269–270.
1947c     Bedfordshire Mollusca (notice). Journal of Conchology 22: 286.
1947d     Additions to the knowledge of the Bedfordshire Mollusca. Journal of the Bedfordshire Natural History Society 1: 16–23.
1947e     Further notes on radulae. The Microscope 6: 125–129, 2 figs, 1 pl.
1947f     The radulae of the British non-marine Mollusca – I [Neritina]. The Microscope 6: 189–191, figs 1–2.
1947g     The radulae of the British non-marine Mollusca – II [Melarhaphe]. The Microscope 6: 202–204, figs 1–3.
1947h     The radulae of the British non-marine Mollusca – III [Pomatias]. The Microscope 6: 230–233, figs 1–8.
1947i     The effect of the change of environment on Lymnaea peregra (Müll.). The Microscope 6: 259–262, 1 fig., 4 photos.
1947j     The radulae of the British non-marine Mollusca – IV [Acme]. The Microscope 6: 272–274, figs 1–5.
1948a     Further notes on Bedfordshire Mollusca. Bedfordshire Naturalist 2: 25–29.
1948b     The staining of radulae. Stain Technology 23: 145–149.
1948c     The radulae of the British non-marine Mollusca – V [Assiminea]. The Microscope 6: 291–293, figs 1–6.
1948d     The radulae of the British non-marine Mollusca – VI [Hydrobia]. The Microscope 6: 312–314, figs 1–5.
1948e     The radulae of the British non-marine Mollusca – VII [Hydrobia, Potamopyrgus]. The Microscope 7: 19–24, figs 1–6.
1948f     The radulae of the British non-marine Mollusca – VIII [Amnicola]. The Microscope 7: 34–37.
1948g     The radulae of the British non-marine Mollusca – IX [Bithynia]. The Microscope 7: 69–74, figs 1–12.
1948h     The radulae of the British non-marine Mollusca – Xa [Viviparus]. The Microscope 7: 104–107, figs 1–5.
1949a     References to the speed of land Mollusca. Journal of Conchology 23: 47.
1949b     Ancylus fluviatilis Müller in stagnant water. Journal of Conchology 23: 93.
1949c     The radulae of the British non-marine Mollusca – Xb [Viviparus]. The Microscope 7: 118–120, figs 6–9.
1949d     The radulae of the British non-marine Mollusca – XI [Valvata]. The Microscope 7: 188–193, figs 1–5.
1949e     The radulae of the British non-marine Mollusca – XII [Supplement]. The Microscope 7: 219–222, figs 1–4.
1949f     The radulae of the British non-marine Mollusca – XIII [Key]. The Microscope 7: 242–243, fig. 1.
1949g     The radulae of the British non-marine Mollusca, parts 1–10, 10a, 11–13. The Microscope vols6, 7
1950a     (with L. A. W. C. Venmans). Abnormalities in the radula of Drymaeus virgulatus (Fér.). Basteria 14: 1–3, pls 1–2., fig.
1950b     A new species of Hydrobia from the Belgian Congo. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 43: 213–215, figs A–F.
1951a     Land snails of a residential area of N. W. Hertfordshire. Journal of Conchology 23: 155–157.
1951b     Radulae as an aid to the identification of the Zonitidae. Basteria 15: 25–27.
1951c     The ecology of the Bedfordshire Mollusca, 1, 2. Bedfordshire Naturalist 5: 16–23.
1951d     Development of the radula of the Roman snail. The Microscope 8: 225–226.
1951e     (with L. A. W. C. Venmans). Bibliography of British and Dutch non-marine radulae figures. Basteria 15: 33–46.
1951f     Bithynia alberti Sm. in Lake Kivu. Journal of Conchology 23: 154.
1951g     The distribution of the genus Tomichia Bens. in Africa. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 44: 173–174, map.
1951h     Notes on the snails of north-east Tanganyika Territory. I. Gonaxis craveni (Sm.) Streptaxidae. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 29: 7–8.
1951i     A new species of Trichotoxon from Kenya (Mollusca, Urocyclidae). Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 45: 57–60, figs 1–2.
1951j     Mollusca of N.E. Tanganyika Territory. East African Agriculture and Forestry Research Organisation – Annual Report for 1950: 56–57.
1952a     Bedfordshire snails. Bedfordshire Magazine 3: 149–152, 4 figs.
1952b     The ecology of the Bedfordshire Mollusca, 3. Bedfordshire Naturalist 6: 14–20.
1952c      Notes on Kenya land and freshwater snails 1–3. Basteria 16: 1–3, figs 1–3.
1952d      The Family Endodontidae in East Africa. Basteria 16: 60–63, figs 1–3.
1952e     Notes on the snails of north-east Tanganyika Territory 2-5. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 29: 205–209, figs 1–2.
1952f     Systematic Zoology. East African Agriculture and Forestry Research Organisation - Annual Report 1951: 56.
1952g      Conchology. The Museums’ Trustees of Kenya. Coryndon Memorial Museum Report for 1951: 11.
1953a     (with H. Watson). The two British species of Carychium. Journal of Conchology 23: 306–324.
1953b      The ecology of the Bedfordshire Mollusca, 4, 5. Bedfordshire Naturalist 7: 18–21.
1953c      Observations on the ecology of land and freshwater Mollusca of north-east Tanganyika Territory. Tanganyika Notes and Records (1952) 33: 67–83.
1953d      Notes on the snails of north-east Tanganyika Territory. 6. Five new species and varieties of Gulella from the Usambaras. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 30: 36–39, figs 1–7.
1953e      Notes on the snails of north-east Tanganyika Territory (correction). Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 30: 153.
1953f      Notes on Kenya land and freshwater snails 4. A note on the distribution of the subgenus Psichion of Trachycystis. Basteria 17: 16.
1953g     Notes on some East African Gulellae. Basteria 17: 36–42, figs 1a–c, 2a–i.
1953h     The study of snails and slugs in East Africa. Journal of East African Natural History 22(94): 52–56, figs 1–18.
1953i     A species of door snail in Uganda. Journal of East African Natural History 22(94): 73.
1953j     (with L. A. W. C. Venmans). A new name for a species of Gulella. Basteria 17: 50.
1953k     A new species of Gulella (Mollusca, Streptaxidae) from Tanganyika Territory. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 12: 862–863.
1953l     Systematic Zoology. East African Agriculture and Forestry Research Organisation – Annual Report 1952: 68.
1953m     Conchology. The Museums’ Trustees of Kenya. Coryndon Memorial Museum Report for 1952: 17.
1954a     The Cowries of the East African Coasts (Kenya, Tanganyika, Zanzibar and Pemba). Journal of the East African Natural History Society 22(96): 129–144, pls 1–17, figs 1–4.
1954b     The ecology of the Bedfordshire Mollusca, 6. Bedfordshire Naturalist 8: 16–18.
1954c     Conchology. The Museums Trustees of Kenya. Coryndon Memorial Museum Nairobi, Annual Report for 1953: 16.
1954d     Systematic Zoology. East African Agriculture and Forestry Research Organisation – Annual Report 1953: 45.
1955a     The Cowries of the East African Coasts: Supplement I. Journal of the East African Natural History Society 22: 163–164, fig. 1.
1955b     Review of 'The Freshwater Mollusks of Uganda and Adjacent Territories (G. Mandahl-Barth). 1954'. Journal of the East African Natural History Society 22: 200.
1955c     Review of 'The Veronicellidae of Africa (Mollusca Pulmonata) (L. Forcart). 1953'. Journal of the East African Natural History Society 22: 200-201.
1955d     Review of 'Exploration Hydrobiologique du Lac Tanganyika (1946-47) Lamellibranchs & Gastéropodes. (E. Leloup). 1950, 1953'. Journal of the East African Natural History Society 22: 201.
1955e     Review of 'Etudes sur les Mollusques de L’Afrique Centrale et des Régions Voisines. I. - Vertiginidae et Valloniidae (W. Adam). 1954'. Journal of the East African Natural History Society 22: 201.
1955f     Conchology. The Museums Trustees of Kenya. Coryndon Memorial Museum Nairobi, Annual Report for 1954: 15.
1956a     Systematic Botany and Zoology. East African Agriculture and Forestry Research Organisation - Annual Report for 1954-1955: 62–63.
1956b     (with C. F. Hemming). Notes on the plant and molluscan ecology of a saline desert area in Italian Somaliland including the description of a new species of Cleopatra (Mollusca). Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 53: 57–64, figs 1–4.
1956c     Notes on the snails of north-east Tanganyika Territory. 7. The variation of Gulella conradti (von Marts.) and the description of Gulella intrusa, a closely allied new species. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 32: 69–71, figs 1–5.
1956d     Notes on some land and freshwater Mollusca from Ethiopia and Somalia (including some records from Kenya). Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 32: 72–79, figs 1–3.
1956e     (with L. A. W. C. Venmans). A synopsis of the section Primigulella Pilsbry of Gulella Pfr. (Mollusca, Streptaxidae). Basteria 20: 65–77, figs 1–9.
1956f     Key to Nairobi freshwater Mollusca. East Africa Natural History Society Newsletter 71: Nov.
1956g     Conchology. The Museums Trustees of Kenya. Coryndon Memorial Museum Nairobi, Annual Report for 1955: 10–11.
1956h     Splitting of genera. Nature. 178: 1414.
1957a     Snails in ant’s nests. Entomologists’ Monthly Magazine 93: 41.
1957b     A key to the East African species of the section Plicigulella Pilsbry of the genus Gulella Pfr. (Mollusca, Streptaxidae). Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 55: 125–131, fig. 1.
1957c     Edourdia herbigrada (Pilsbry) in Uganda. Journal of Conchology 24: 207.
1957d     Two new species of Cleopatra from Kenya. Journal de Conchyliologie 97: 7–9, figs 1–3.
1957e     Possible occurrence of strains in species of schistosomes. Nature 180: 865–866.
1957f     Notes on the snails of north-east Tanganyika Territory 8. Descriptions of new species of Enidae and Stenogyridae. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 32: 241–244, figs 1–3.
1957g     Conchology. The Museums Trustees of Kenya. Coryndon Memorial Museum Nairobi, Annual Report for 1956 : 18.
1958a     The Gulellae (Moll., Streptaxidae) of the Usambara Mountains, N.E. Tanganyika. Tanganyika Notes and Records. 47, 48: 92–102, figs A, B, & 29 figs on 1 folding pl.
1958b     A mystery shell from the Kenya Coast. Journal of the East African Natural History Society 23(99): 15, fig.
1958c     Notes on Kenya land and freshwater snails. 5. Records of Vertiginidae and Valloniidae from Kenya, Zanzibar, and Tanganyika. Basteria 22: 1–9, fig. 1.
1958d     A new species of Ptychotrema Mörch (Mollusca, Gastropoda) from Tanganyika together with a check list of the East African species and keys for their determination. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology 43: 714–720, figs 1–3.
1958e     Descriptions of two new taxa of Tayloria Bgt. together with a synopsis of the genus (Mollusca, Streptaxidae). Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 58: 267–276, figs 1–5.
1958f     Notes on some Hydrobiidae from Kenya and Ethiopia. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 58: 299–308, figs 1–19.
1958g     Conchology. The Museums Trustees of Kenya. Coryndon Memorial Museum Nairobi, Annual Report for 1957: 12–13.
1959a     The Cowries of the East African Coasts: Supplement II. Journal of the East African Natural History Society 23(100): 130–134, fig. 1.
1959b     Scorpion shells. Journal of the East African Natural History Society 23(100): 146.
1959c     (Note relating to) A check-list of East African non-marine mollusca. Journal of Conchology 24: 322.
1959d     Notes on Kenya land and freshwater snails 6. The genus Afropunctum Haas in Kenya and Uganda. Basteria 23: 91.
1960a     East African slugs of the family Urocyclidae. Journal of the East African Natural History Society 23(102): 200’209, figs 1’4.
1960b     Records of Veronicellidae from East Africa. Journal of Conchology 24: 392.
1960c     Agriolimax laevis andicolus (Orbigny) in Nairobi, Kenya. Journal of Conchology 24: 410.
1960d     Some further records of Mollusca from N. Kenya, Ethiopia, Somaliland and Arabia, mostly from arid areas. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 61: 221–265, figs 1–9.
1960e     Observations on the generic relationships of several small East African Helicarionidae. Journal de Conchyliologie 100: 107–117, figs 1–2.
1960f     A further collection of Tomichia hendrickxi (Verdcourt) (Hydrobiidae) from the Belgian Congo. Basteria 24: 29.
1960g     East African slugs of the family Urocyclidae (Part II). Journal of the East African Natural History Society 23(103): 233–240, figs 5–8.
1960h     A new species of Tayloria Bourguignat (Mollusca, Streptaxidae) from Tanganyika. Archiv für Molluskenkunde 89: 167–169, figs 1–2.
1960i     Conchology. The Museums Trustees of Kenya. Coryndon Memorial Museum Nairobi, Annual Report for (1958 &) 1959 : 22–24.
1960j     Hugh Watson. Journal of Conchology 24: 407–410.
1960k     (paper by S. Urban). Beschreibung und Anatomie einer neuen Art der Gattung Bukobia (Urocyclinae) aus Kenya. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 34: 106–111. [Not listed]
1961a     Notes on East African Enidae. Journal of Conchology 25: 9–14.
1961b     Boysia boysii (Pfeiffer) (Pupillidae) in Africa. Journal of Conchology 25: 35.
1961c     (with R. M. Polhill). East African slugs of the family Urocyclidae, III & IV. The genus Trichotoxon. Journal of the East African Natural History Society - special supplement 7: 36 pp, figs 8b–42.
1961d     The Cowries of the East African Coasts: Supplement III.Journal of the East African Natural History Society 23(104): 281–285, figs 1–3.
1961e     Achatina fulica hamillei (Petit) in the Kavirondo District of Kenya. Journal of Conchology 25: 34–35.
1961f     Further notes on the genus Ptychotrema Mörch in Eastern Africa (Mollusca, Streptaxidae). Archiv für Molluskenkunde 90: 155–161, figs 1–6.
1961g     Notes on Kenya land and freshwater snails, 7. Variation in Gulella pilula (Preston) (Streptaxidae). Basteria 25: 37–40, figs 1–2.
1961h     A new species of Helicarionidae from Portuguese East Africa together with a discussion of the affinities of several other East African species. Journal de Conchyliologie 101: 120–134, pl. 1, figs 1, 2–18.
1961i     Notes on the snails of north-east Tanganyika, 9. A new species of Gonaxis (Streptaxidae) from the Usambara Mountains with notes on the classification of the genus. Occasional Papers of the Coryndon Memorial Museum 6: 23pp, 19 figs
1961j     Conchology. The Museums Trustees of Kenya. Coryndon Memorial Museum Nairobi, Annual Report for 1960: 18–19.
1962a     Preliminary keys for the identification of the species of the genus Gulella Pfr. occurring in East Africa excluding the sections Primigulella Pilsbry and Plicigulella Pilsbry (Mollusca-Streptaxidae). Annales du Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, Zoologie 88: 39 pp, pls I–V.
1962b     (with T. Pain). On the occurrence of Achatina tavaresiana Morelet in Tanganyika Territory. Journal of Conchology 25: 82.
1962c     A note on M. Guy Babault’s specimens of Achatina stuhlmanni von Martens. Journal of Conchology 25: 86.
1962d     Report on a collection of East African Slugs (Urocyclidae). Journal of the East African Natural History Society 24(105): 29–41, figs 1–14.
1962e     The systematic position of 'Zonites' somaliensis Connolly. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 35: 20–22, figs 1–4.
1962f     Review of 'The sea shells of Dar es Salaam – Gastropods (J. F. Spry). 1961.' Journal of the East African Natural History Society 24: 72.
1962g     Review of 'The sea shells of Dar es Salaam – Gastropods (J. F. Spry). 1961'. Journal of Conchology 25: 88–89.
1963a     A new species of Gulella Pfeiffer from Kenya (Mollusca, Streptaxidae). Archiv für Molluskenkunde 92: 11–13, figs 1–4.
1963b     A new species of Maizania from northern Kenya (Mollusca, Cyclophoridae). Archiv für Molluskenkunde 92: 15–17, figs 1–2.
1963c     A new species of Krapfiella Preston from the Miocene of Kenya (Mollusca, Stenogyridae). Archiv für Molluskenkunde 92: 231–235, figs 1–9.
1963d     New mollusca from Mt. Kulal, Kenya. Archiv für Molluskenkunde 92: 237–245, figs 1–7.
1963e     The Miocene non-marine Mollusca of Rusinga island, Lake Victoria and other localities in Kenya. Palaeontographica 121A: 1-37, figs 1–63, A, table.
1963f     Notes on East African land and freshwater snails, 8. The rediscovery of Trochozonites (Zonitotrochus) adoxa Connolly (Gastropoda, Helicarionidae). Basteria 27: 65–68, pls 1–2.
1963g     A contribution to the mollusc fauna of Northern Somaliland. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 68: 403–420, figs 1–10.
1963h     Further notes on Afropunctum Haas. Journal of Conchology 25: 158–160, map.
1963i     A note on Sitala jenynsi (Pfeiffer) (Helicarionidae). Journal of Conchology 25: 188–192, fig. 1.
1963j     Conchology. The Museums Trustees of Kenya. Coryndon Memorial Museum Nairobi, Report for period Jan. 1961–June 1962: 14.
1964a     Zonitoides arboreus (Say) (Zonitidae) in Kenya. Journal of Conchology 25: 239.
1964b     A third species of Nesopupa (Mollusca: Pupillidae) in Kenya. Journal of the East African Natural History Society 24, No. 4(108): 59, fig.
1964c     Coryndon Museum, Nairobi [transference of spirit material]. Conchologists’ Newsletter 11: 70.
1964d     The genus Maizania Bgt. (Gastropoda, Maizaniidae) in eastern Africa. Journal of the East African Natural History Society 24(109): 1–22, figs 1–25.
1964e     Conchology. The Museums Trustees of Kenya. Coryndon Memorial Museum Nairobi, Report for period July 1962–June 1963: 10.
1965a     The correct name for an African Bulinus. Journal of Conchology 25: 336.
1965b     (with A. C. van Bruggen). Trachycystis (Dendrotrichia) sylvicola, a new subgenus and species from Rhodesia (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Pulmonata: Endodontidae). Zoologische Mededelingen Rijksmuseum Leiden 40: 219–223, pl. 1, figs 1–3.
1965c     Report on a further collection of East African slugs (Urocyclidae). Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 71: 274–296, figs 1–15.
1965d     New Streptaxidae from East Africa. Archiv für Molluskenkunde 94: 165–167, figs 1–3.
1965e     Review of 'A monographic review of the Mollusca of Lake Nyasa (T. E. Crowley, T. Pain & F. R. Woodward). 1964'. Journal of Conchology 25: 365–366.
1966a     Archachatina marginata ovum (Pfeiffer) found alive in the London area. Conchologists’ Newsletter 16: 110-111.
1966b     Mollusca at Flitwick Moor. Bedfordshire Naturalist 19: 30–31.
1966c     Field meeting to north end of Barnes Bridge, London, W4, 17th April 1966. Conchologists’ Newsletter 18: 123.
1966d     The type-species of Marconia Bourgugnat (Streptaxidae): a correction. Journal of Conchology 26: 71–72.
1966e     Comments on T.E. Crowley’s paper on Aspatharia bourguignati (Bourguignat).Journal of Conchology 26: 73–74.
1966f     Notes on the genus Conulinus Martens (Enidae). Archiv für Molluskenkunde 95: 279–286, figs 1–10.
1966g     The identity of Achatina bloyeti Bourguignat (Mollusca: Achatinidae) with some notes on other species of the genus occuring in East Africa. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 74: 97–120, figs 1–16.
1966h     Review of 'The sea shells of Dar es Salaam Part II - Bivalves (J. F. Spry). 1964'. Journal of Conchology 26: 68.
1967a     The East African species of the genus Cerastua Strand (= Cerastus (Martens) non Dejean) (Mollusca: Enidae). Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 76: 178–199, figs 1–26.
1967b     New taxa of Pseudoglessula O. Boettger from East Africa and an annotated synopsis of the East African species 9 (Mollusca, Stenogyridae). Archiv für Molluskenkunde 96: 43–62, figs 1–39.
1968a     East Sheen [a note on slugs in SW London]. Conchologists’ Newsletter 24: 36.
1968b     Notes on Kenya land and freshwater snails, 9. A rediscovery of Microstele iredalei (Preston). Basteria 32: 4–7.
1968c     Notes on Euonyma Melvill & Ponsonby in East Africa (Subulinidae). Archiv für Molluskenkunde 98: 95–101, figs 1–8.
1968d     (with J. J. van Mol). Révision des Urocyclidae (Mollusca, Pulmonata), I. Description d’une nouvelle espéce du genre Degneria provenant d’Abyssinie. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 77: 148–156, figs 1–5.
1968e     (with A. C. van Bruggen). On a new snail from Rhodesia Zingis chirindensis (Mollusca, Urocyclidae). Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 78: 357–364, figs 1–10.
1969a     A species of Gulella Pfr. (Streptaxidae) introduced into Britain. Journal of Conchology 27: 15–16, fig.
1969b     A note on the validity of Subulina grandis Madge. Journal of Conchology 27: 13–14.
1969c     On the systematic position of some East African Helicidae, 1. Archiv für Molluskenkunde 99: 175-185, fig. 1.
1970a     Notes on Kenya land and freshwater snails, 10. Variation in the Gulella ugandensis complex (Streptaxidae). Basteria 34: 45–54, figs 1–9.
1970b     The genus Cerastua Strand (Mollusca-Enidae) in the Congo Rebublic, Burundi and Rwanda.Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 82: 14–34, figs 1–31.
1970c     A reassessment of species described from East Africa by W. Blume. Journal of Conchology 27: 121–125, figs 1–11.
1970d     Bibliography of papers on African Mollusca by B. Verdcourt. Achatina 1: 5–15.
1971a     Physa in East Africa. Journal of Conchology 26: 417.
1972a     The zoogeography of the non-marine Mollusca of East Africa. Journal of Conchology 27: 291–348, figs 1–2.
1973a     On the systematic position of some East African Helicidae. 2. (Mollusca). Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 87: 555–566, pls I–II, figs 1–6.
1973b     (with P. Halliday). Some notes on Lacinaria biplicata (Montagu). Conchologists’ Newsletter 46: 336–337.
1974a     On the systematic position of some East African Helicidae, 3. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 88: 461–469, pl. 3.
1974b     A new species of Gulella Pfeiffer from the Usambara Mountains, Tanzania, (Mollusca, Streptaxidae). Archiv für Molluskenkunde 104: 57–58, fig. 1.
1974c     A new species of Gulella Pfeiffer known only from European greenhouses (Mollusca: Streptaxidae). Archiv für Molluskenkunde 104: 121–122, fig. 2.
1974d     Note on a small collection of Mollusca from the Yemen. Journal de Conchyliologie 111: 3–8, 4 figs.
1974e     Bibliography of the African papers of Carl Eduard von Martens (1831-1904). Achatina 5: 108–111.
1974f     Bibliography of the papers of E.A. Smith relating to non-marine Mollusca of tropical Africa. Achatina 5: 117–119.
1975a     Records from Jordan and Arabia. Conchologists’ Newsletter 55: 463.
1975b     On the systematic position of some East African Helicidae, 4. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 89: 934–939, pl. X, figs 1–6.
1975c     The rediscovery of Cerastua lymnaeiformis (Haas) (Enidae). Journal of Conchology 28: 358.
1976a     A rediscovery of Potamopyrgus ciliatus (Gould), (Gastropoda, Hydrobiidae). Journal of Conchology 29: 61–62.
1976b     Two new species of Bocageia from Ethiopia (Mollusca-Subulinidae). Archiv für Molluskenkunde 107: 107–109, figs 1–3.
1976c     Bibliography of the papers of Johannes Thiele (1860–1935) relating to African non-marine Mollusca. Achatina 6: 127.
1976d     Additions to the bibliography of B. Verdcourt. Achatina 6: 128.
1977a     Further records of non-marine Mollusca from Arabia. Conchologists’ Newsletter 61: 9.
1977b     Snails by chance. Conchologists’ Newsletter 63: 43–44.
1977c     A new species of Sitala H. Adams from the Usambara Mts., Tanzania (Mollusca: Urocyclidae). Archiv für Molluskenkunde 108: 51–52, fig.1.
1978a     Snails and insects. Roneo [i.e. self-printed pamphlet], 11pp.
1978b     Notes on East African land and freshwater snails 11. Miscellaneous records from Kenya and Tanzania including the description of two new species [see also Errata, vol. 42 p. 77]. Basteria 42: 15–26, figs 1–6.
1978c     Whereabouts of the B. Verdcourt radula collection. Conchologists’ Newsletter 64: 74.
1978d     An interesting letter from E.A. Smith. Conchologists’ Newsletter 66: 97.
1978e     Radula drawings of Lt. Col. A. J. Peile. Conchologists’ Newsletter 67:: 111–112.
1979a     On the systematic position of some East African Helicidae – 5. Roneo [i.e. self-printed], 11 pp, 4 pls.
1979b     Collectors in East Africa – 1. A.E. Craven (1849/50 – 1937). Part I. Conchologists’ Newsletter 69: 147, 149–153.
1979c     Collectors in East Africa – 1. A.E. Craven (1849/50 – 1937). Part II. Conchologists’ Newsletter 70: 165–167.
1979d     Additions to the African bibliography of B. Verdcourt. Achatina 7: 140–142.
1979e     Nautilus in the Indian Ocean. Conchologists’ Newsletter 71: 187–188.
1979f     A new species of Subulina from Kenya (Mollusca, Subulinidae). Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 93: 282–284, fig. 1.
1979g     (with P. Halliday). Zonitoides arboreus (Say) attacking orchid roots. Conchologists’ Newsletter 70: 167–168.
1979h     A Caribbean land snail in Lancashire. Conchologists’ Newsletter 71: 187.
1979i     The identity of the European greenhouse Gulella (Pulmonata: Streptaxidae). Journal of Conchology 30: 101–104, figs 1-3.
1980a     Report on the Mollusca collected by Hugh Scott in the Gughé Highlands (Ethiopia), with the description of two new species of Gulella (Pulmonata: Streptaxidae). Journal of Conchology 30: 247–251, figs 1–4.
1980b     Review of 'Sea shells – Bivalves of the British and northern European seas (J. M. Christensen & S. P. Dance) 1980'. Journal of Conchology 30: 246.
1980c      Molluscs eaten by the Hadzapi people, Tanzania. Conchologists’ Newsletter 72: 213–214.
1980d     The identity of Zingis microcancellata Preston MS. Conchologists’ Newsletter 73: 240.
1980e      Collectors in East Africa – 2. J.T. Last (1849–1933). Conchologists’ Newsletter 74: 248–249.
1980f     Some notes on the larger Streptaxidae of the Usambara Mts., Tanzania. Conchologists’ Newsletter 75: 274–278, figs 1–2.
1981a     A note on some Helicidae from Malawi. Conchologists’ Newsletter 76: 302.
1981b     Collectors in East Africa – 3. James Hannington (1847–1885). Conchologists’ Newsletter 77: 317–318.
1981c     Collectors in East Africa – 4. E.C. Gordon (1858–1926). Conchologists’ Newsletter 77: 318–319.
1981d     A belated correction [concerning Afrodonta kempi]. Conchologists’ Newsletter 77: 320.
1981e     Identification of East African non-marine Mollusca. Conchologists’ Newsletter 78: 337.
1981f     Longevity of a Urocyclid slug. Conchologists’ Newsletter 78: 333.
1981g     Veronicellid slug introduced into Britain. Conchologists’ Newsletter 79: 336.
1981h     The identity of Helix seminium Morelet (Pulmonata-Endodontidae). Journal of Conchology 30: 325–327, fig. 1, map.
1981i     Contributions to the knowledge of the Helicidae-Bradybaenidae of Zaire. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 95: 525–556, pls 3–5, figs 1–4.
1981j     Collectors in East Africa – 5. J.S. Gibbons [also addendum to A.E. Craven]. Conchologists’ Newsletter 79: 344–348.
1982a     Report on a visit to Flitwick Moor, Beds. (v.c. 30) 28 June 1981. Conchologists’ Newsletter 81: 5–8.
1982b     Discus rotundatus omalisma (Bgt.). Conchologists’ Newsletter 81: 17.
1982c     The occurrence of Perforatella (Monachoides) rubiginosa (Schmidt) in the British Isles. Conchologists’ Newsletter 83: 46–48.
1982d     List of types of tropical African species described by H. B. Preston in the Merseyside County Museum, Liverpool. Achatina 10: 196–198.
1982e     Notes on East African land and freshwater snails, 12–15. Zoologische Mededelingen 56 (18): 217–236, pls 1–3, figs 1–6.
1982f     A new operculate genus from East Africa – Elgonocyclus (Mollusca Cyclophoridae): a preliminary diagnosis. Basteria 46: 77–78.
1982g     A further record of Cyathopoma azaniense Verdcourt. Journal of Conchology 31: 135.
1982h     Further biographical notes on A.E. Craven. Conchologists’ Newsletter 80: 358–366.
1983a     Collectors in East Africa – 6. J. Thomson. Conchologists’ Newsletter 84: 67–70.
1983b     A brief review of the species of Gonaxis Taylor subg. Pseudogonaxis Thiele (Pulmonata-Streptaxidae). Journal of Conchology 31: 173–178, pls 12–13.
1983c     The identity of Helix butumbiana von Martens (Pulmonata: Endodontidae sensu lato).Journal of Conchology 31: 179–183, pl. 14, figs 1–2.
1983d     A list of the non-marine Mollusca of East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, excluding Lake Malawi). Achatina 11: 200–239.
1983e     Collectors in East Africa – 7. S. W. Baker. Conchologists’ Newsletter 86: 111–112.
1983f     Collectors in East Africa – 8. J. W. Gregory. Conchologists’ Newsletter 86: 112–114.
1983g     Collectors in East Africa – 9. J. H. Speke. Conchologists’ Newsletter 87: 138–139.
1983h     New names for subspecies of Gulella. Journal of Conchology 31: 258.
1984a     Field meeting to Flitwick Moor, Bedfordshire, 1st Oct. 1983. Conchologists’ Newsletter 88: 154.
1984b     Collectors in East Africa – 10. J. M. Hildebrandt. Conchologists’ Newsletter 88: 141–145.
1984c     A contribution to the anatomy of Trochozonites Pfeffer (Mollusca, Urocyclidae). Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 98: 243–246, fig. 1.
1984d     (with C. F. Hemming & C. E. Hayslip). Achatina lactea Reeve found alive in Somalia. Conchologists’ Newsletter 90: 196–197.
1984e     Trachycystis lamellifera (Smith) in Tanzania (Pulmonata: Endodontidae sensu lato). Journal of Conchology 31: 373–374, pl. 21.
1984f     Ptychotrema walikalense Pilsbry new to East Africa. Journal of Conchology 31: 388.
1984g     Collectors in East Africa – 11. J. Kirk. Conchologists’ Newsletter 91: 215–218.
1984h     Discontinuities in the distribution of some East African land snails.InSolem A, & van Bruggen AC (eds.)World-wide snails. Biogeographical studies on non marine Mollusca: 134–155. E. J. Brill/Dr. W. Backhuys, Leiden.
1984i     Zeebiologisch Museum. Conchologists’ Newsletter 89: 185. [Not listed.]
1985a     Lycoriella solani (Winnertz) (Dipt., Sciaridae) bred from a dead slug. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine. 121: 150.
1985b     The status of Helix omalisma Bgt. (Pulmonata: Discidae). Conchologists’ Newsletter 93: 272–279, figs 1A–M, 2, 3.
1985c     A. E. Craven – a few more facts. Conchologists’ Newsletter 92: 257.
1985d     A new subspecies of Conulinus ugandae (Von Martens) from Kenya (Pulmonata: Enidae). Journal of Conchology 32: 37–38.
1985e     Some African Streptaxidae in the Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien. Achatina 13: 267–269.
1985f     Additions to the African bibliography of B. Verdcourt, 1978-1983. Achatina 13: 270–271.
1985g     New taxa of Gulella L. Pfr. and Ptychotrema Mörch (Mollusca, Streptaxidae) from eastern Africa. Journal of Conchology 32: 109–121, pl. 12, figs 1–18.
1985h     Gulella conicodentata recorded from Kenya. Journal of Conchology 32: 146–147.
1985i     Bulimus ovoideus Bruguière 1798 a name used for two quite different snails. Journal of Conchology 32: 146–147.
1985j     Mollusca of Lake Tanganyika (lecture transcript). Conchologists’ Newsletter 95: 308–310.
1985k     Review of 'The freshwater Mollusca of northern Africa: Distribution, Biogeography and Paleoecology (D. van Damme). 1984'. Journal of Conchology 32: 134–135.
1986a     Some records from Kenya, Seychelles and Dependencies. Conchologists’ Newsletter 96: 331–333, figs 1–4.
1986b     Types of Revoilia Bgt.. Conchologists’ Newsletter 96: 346.
1986c     Notes on Trochonanina densestriata Thiele (Mollusca, Urocyclidae) and some deceptively similar species. Revue de Zoologie Africaines 99: 337-344, figs 1–11.
1986d     Collectors in East Africa – 12. A. Le Roy. Conchologists’ Newsletter 98: 369–377.
1986e     The identity of some species of Ceciliodes Férussac, 1814 from a river drift in Kenya (Mollusca, Ferussaciidae). Revue de Zoologie Africaines 99: 365–368, figs 1–6.
1986f     Vertiginidae and Valloniidae from Åke Holm’s and Åke Anderson’s East African collections. Conchologists’ Newsletter 99: 397–403, figs 1–9.
1986g     Thames Water Teddington Flow Proposal – Public Enquiry. Conchologists’ Newsletter 99: 397–403.
1987a     Notes on an Ethiopian Helicid. Conchologists’ Newsletter 100: 420–422, figs 1–3.
1987b     Pupisoma orcula (Benson) (Valloniidae) in Nigeria. Conchologists’ Newsletter 100: 437.
1987c     The identity of Helicella (Lejeania) chionobasis Pilsbry. Journal of Conchology 32: 302–303.
1987d     Mollusca from the Laetolil and Upper Ndolanya Beds. In Leakey MD & Harris JM (eds.) Laetoli: A Pliocene site in Northern Tanzania: 438–450, pl. 11.15–11.39, figs 11.1–11.7.
1987e     A note on Gulella excruciata Connolly (Streptaxidae). Conchologists’ Newsletter 103: 48–51, figs A–J.
1987f     An unintentional sinistral type. Conchologists’ Newsletter 103: 65–66.
1987g     A new snail to look out for in British greenhouses. Conchologists’ Newsletter 100: 437.
1987h     Index to Numbers 81–100 (1982–1987). Conchologists’ Newsletter: 8pp.
1987i     Flies bred from dead snails in Zambia. Conchologists’ Newsletter 100: 436. [Not listed.]
1988a     Afropunctum seminium (Morelet) in Nigeria. Conchologists’ Newsletter 104: 90.
1988b     The rediscovery of Punctum ugandanum (E. A. Smith) (Pulmonata: Punctidae). Archiv für Molluskenkunde 118: 149–151, figs 1–9.
1988c     Collectors in East Africa – 13. F. Stuhlmann (part 1). Conchologists’ Newsletter 106: 113–117.
1988d     The behaviour of Achatina lactea Reeve in captivity (P. Halliday) [ed. B. Verdcourt]. Conchologists’ Newsletter 107: 140–145, fig.
1988e     Review of 'Plant Molluscicides (K. E. Mott). 1987'. Journal of Conchology 33: 42.
1988f     Sale of cabinets for the benefit of the Society. Conchologists’ Newsletter 107: 148. [Not listed.]
1989a     The start of an interest. Conchologists’ Newsletter 108: 171.
1989b     An archive relating to L. E. Adams (1854–1945). Conchologists’ Newsletter 108: 171–172.
1989c     List of publications by B. Verdcourt on European Mollusca. Conchologists’ Newsletter 111: 237–239.
1989d     Hygromia cinctella (Drap.) in Surrey. Conchologists’ Newsletter 111: 246.
1989e     Collectors in East Africa – 13. F. Stuhlmann (part 2). Conchologists’ Newsletter 109:181–187.
1989f     Collectors in East Africa – 13. F. Stuhlmann (part 3). Conchologists’ Newsletter 110: 211–219.
1989g     Goldney Grotto. Conchologists’ Newsletter 111: 246. [Not listed.]
1990a     An undescribed snail from Tanzania. Conchologists’ Newsletter 112: 261–265.
1990b     Collectors in East Africa – 14. F. Fülleborn. Conchologists’ Newsletter 113: 275–276.
1990c     Streptaxids in the National Museum of Wales. Conchologists’ Newsletter 113: 287–291, figs 1–2.
1990d     Two Ethiopian Streptaxids (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Streptaxidae). Journal of Conchology 33: 345–354, pl. 33, figs 1–5.
1990e     Notes on Anostoma. Conchologists’ Newsletter 115: 326–329.
1990f     Shells on coins. Conchologists’ Newsletter 115: 340.
1990g     Note on Gottfried Nägele. Conchologists’ Newsletter 115:340–341.
1990h     William Swainson, F.R.S., F.L.S.. Conchologists’ Newsletter 112: 273. [Not listed.]
1990i     Pachychilus (Pleuroceridae) used for food in Mexico. Conchologists’ Newsletter 114: 320. [Not listed.]
1991a     Some notes on East African Endodontoid snails – Part 1. Conchologists’ Newsletter 116: 352–359.
1991b     Slugs versus safari ants (republication of a note by P. R. O. Bally in Journal E. Afr. Uganda Nat. Hist. Soc. 16 (70): 57 (1941)). Conchologists’ Newsletter 116: 362.
1991c     Some notes on East African Endodontoid snails – Part 2. Conchologists’ Newsletter 117: 371–376, figs 1–23.
1991d     Maizania marsabitensis Verdc. (Maizaniidae) in Tanzania. Journal of Conchology 34: 39.


1991e     An archive of photographs of East African Mollusca. Conchologists’ Newsletter 118: 400.
1991f     Illustrations of Elgonocyclus koptaweliensis (Germain). Conchologists’ Newsletter 118: 409, figs A–E.
1991g     Zingis radiolata von Martens (Pulmonata-Urocyclidae) a species much needed preserved in spirit. Conchologists’ Newsletter 119: 426–428.
1991h     Obituary. Lothar Forcart 1902–1990. Journal of Conchology 34: 37–38.
1991i     A letter from Sir John Kirk concerning shells. Conchologists’ Newsletter 117: 379–380. [Not listed]
1992a     A new Anostoma from Brazil (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Bulimulidae). Journal of Conchology 34: 81–82, fig. 1.
1992b     Collectors in East Africa – 15. Emin Pasha. Conchologists’ Newsletter 120: 439–448.
1992c     Index to Conchologists’ Newsletter No 101–120. Conchologists’ Newsletter: 10pp.
1992d     The identity of two Euconuloid snails recently found in the Seychelles. Journal of Conchology 34: 167–172, pl. 10, figs 1–8.
1992e     The rediscovery and anatomy of Trochonanina gwendolinae (Prest.) (Pulmonata: Urocyclidae). Journal of Conchology 34: 179–182, pl. 11, figs 1–8.
1992f     Further notes on Anostoma (Gastropoda: Bulimulidae). Journal of Conchology 34: 183–184.
1992g     What is Moaria chaperiana Bgt.. Journal of Conchology 34: 184–185.
1992h     Two Mascarene Tropidophora (Pomatiasidae) found in Tanzania. Journal of Conchology 34: 185.
1992i     Collectors in East Africa – 16: W. Doherty (1857–1901). Conchologists’ Newsletter 7(1) no. 122: 60–65.
1992j     Collectors in East Africa – 17: G. A. Fischer (1848–1886). Conchologists’ Newsletter 7(1) no. 123: 93–97.
1992k     Snails used as an official greeting. Conchologists’ Newsletter 7(1) no. 120: 454–455. [Not listed.]
1993a     Afropunctum seminium (Morelet) Euconulidae in Britain.Conchologists’ Newsletter 7(2) no. 127: 269, fig.
1993b     Pea mussels in the park. Richmond Park Occasional Magazine. 1: 18.
1993c     A new species of Gulella Pfeiffer from southern Tanzania (Mollusca: Streptaxidae). Archiv für Molluskenkunde 121: 87–89, fig.
1993d     A new genus and species of land snail Micractaeon kakamegaensis from Kakamega Forest, Kenya (Pulmonata: ?Ferussaciidae). Archiv für Molluskenkunde 121: 81–86, figs 1–12.
1993e     Collectors in East Africa – 18: E. C. Hore (1848–1912). Conchologists’ Newsletter 7(1) no. 124: 126–137.
1993f     The identity of Tropidophora hanningtoni (Sowerby III) (Gastropoda: Pomatiasidae). Journal of Conchology 34: 333–336, fig. 1.
1993g     A further small archive of Lt. Col. A.J. Peile (1868–1948). Conchologists’ Newsletter 7(2) no. 125: 188–189.
1993h     Collectors in East Africa – 19: Supplement to parts 2, 3 & 4. Conchologists’ Newsletter 7(2) no. 126: 217–223.
1993i     (with A. C. van Bruggen). Notes on a sinistral specimen of Nesopupa bisulcata (Jickeli) (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Vertiginidae) from Kenya. Basteria 57: 103–105, figs 1–2.
1993j     Review of 'The land and freshwater Mollusca of Suffolk (I. J. Killeen). 1992'. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 108: 368, fig.
1994a     A new species of Gulella from SE. Tanzania (Pulmonata: Streptaxidae). Archiv für Molluskenkunde 123: 137–139, fig. 1.
1994b     A new species of Gulella from the Seychelles (Pulmonata: Streptaxidae). Archiv für Molluskenkunde 123: 141–143, figs 1–2.
1994c     Collectors in East Africa – 20: J. E. S. Moore (1870–1947). Conchologists’ Newsletter 7(3) no. 129: 327–332.
1994d     Nautilus in the Indian Ocean. Conchologists’ Newsletter 7(3) no. 130: 391.
1994e     Collectors in East Africa – 21: C. R. S. Pitman (1890–1975). Conchologists’ Newsletter 7(3) no. 131: 417–424.
1994f     Arthur Erskine Ellis’s typewriter. Conchologists’ Newsletter 7(3) no. 130: 384.
1994g     Greetings to Dr Hildegard Zeissler on her 80th Birthday. Conchologists’ Newsletter 7(1) no. 129: 344–345.
1995a     Collectors in East Africa – 22: J. Petherick (1813–1882). Conchologists’ Newsletter 7(3) no. 132: 453–458.
1995b     Maizania kazibae Adam (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia, Maizaniidae) in Uganda. Journal of Conchology 35:273.
1995c     Collectors in East Africa – 23: K. L. Pfeiffer (1874–1952). Conchologists’ Newsletter 8(1) no. 133: 490–494.
1995d     The reprint mailing list of Lt. Col. H. H. Godwin-Austen. Conchologists’ Newsletter 8(1) no. 133: 501–504.
1996a     A new species of Gulella Pfr. (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Streptaxidae) from N.E. Tanzania. Basteria 59: 135–137, fig. 1.
1996b     Collectors in East Africa – 24: E. A. Mearns (1856–1916). Conchologists’ Newsletter 8(2) no. 137: 642–645.
1996c     The Mollusca of Ngorongoro, Tanzania. Conchologists’ Newsletter 8(2) no. 138: 675–689.
1996d     A new species of Pseudopeas Putzeys from Tanzania (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Subulinidae). Archiv für Molluskenkunde 126: 121–123.
1996e     Latin descriptions. Conchologists’ Newsletter 8(2) no. 138: 712.
1996f     Introduced succineids in Britain. Conchologists’ Newsletter 8(2) no. 139: 746–748.
1997a     Zingis radiolata von Martens (Pulmonata, Urocyclidae) rediscovered at last. Journal of Conchology 35(6): 522.
1997b     Pomatias elegans in the Ouse Valley, Bedfordshire. Conchologists’ Newsletter 8(2) no. 140: 775–777.
1997c     The yellow slug in Maidenhead. Windsor & Maidenhead Urban Wildlife Group Newsletter 35: 8.
1997d     Collectors in East Africa – 25: A. B. Percival (1875–1941). Conchologists’ Newsletter 8(3) no. 141: 795–809.
1997e     Collectors in East Africa – 26: G. Volkens (1855–1917). Conchologists’ Newsletter 8(3) no. 143: 881–888.
1997f     A list of publications and new taxa described (1936–1996). B. Verdcourt/Reigate Press, Maidenhead.
1998a     Note on Potadama ganahli Connolly, 1930 (Prosobranchia, Viviparidae). Journal of Conchology 36(1): 77.
1998b     (with D. S. Brown). A new genus and species of freshwater pulmonate (Planorbidae) from Kenya. Journal of Conchology 36(2): 1–5.
1998c     A small contribution to the anatomy of Trochonanina (Urocyclidae, Trochonaninae). Journal of Conchology 36(2): 65–67.
1998d     Subuliniscus adjacens Connolly (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Subulinidae) on Mt. Kenya, East Africa. Basteria 62: 123–124.
1998e     A contribution to the knowledge of the genital anatomy of Zingis species with particular attention to Zingis depressa (Germain) (Pulmonata: Urocyclidae). Journal of Conchology 36(4): 1–13, figs 1–10.
1998f     The distribution of Pseudoglessula terrulenta (Morelet, 1883) (Pulmonata: Subulinidae) in Tropical Africa. Journal of Conchology 36(4): 46–48.
1998g     Collectors in East Africa – 27: Åke Holm (1909–1989). Conchologists’ Newsletter 9(1) no. 145: 12-15.
1999a     In my garden (Snails, fungi etc.). Windsor & Maidenhead Urban Wildlife Group Wildlife News and Views 41: 2.
1999b     In my garden (Hornet, snails etc.). Windsor & Maidenhead Urban Wildlife Group Wildlife News and Views 41: 8.
1999c     Collectors in East Africa – 28: C. Alluaud (1861–1949). Conchologists’ Newsletter 9(1) no. 148: 137–143. [Not listed.]
1999d     Collectors in East Africa – 29: Ludwig Kohl-Larsen (1884–1969). Conchologists’ Newsletter 9(2) no. 149: 177–180.
1999e     Addendum to Collectors in East Africa No. 25. Conchologists’ Newsletter 9(2) no. 149: 180.
2000a     G. B. Sowerby III’s list of Lake Tanganyika shells. Conchologists’ Newsletter 9(3) no. 153: 344–348.
2000b     The penial armature of three species of East African Streptaxidae (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora). Folia Malacologia 8: 215–221.
2000c     Molluscs. In Burgess ND, & Clarke GP (eds.) 2000. Coastal Forests of Eastern Africa: pp. 219-224 & Appendix 8. IUCN, Cambridge & Gland.
2001a     Collectors in East Africa – 30: Robert [Robin] Kemp (1871–?) (Part 1). Conchologists’ Newsletter 10 no. 159: 96–109.
2001b     More about Succinea species in garden centres and other unusual places. Conchologists’ Newsletter 10 no. 158: 67. [Not listed.]
2001c     A 15th century painting of Helix aspersa. Conchologists’ Newsletter 10 no. 158:: 68. [Not listed.]
2001d     Supplement to Collectors in East Africa No. 28: C. Alluaud. Conchologists’ Newsletter 10 no. 158: 72–73. [Not listed.]
2002a     Two new species of Curvella Chaper (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Subulinidae) from the East Usambara Mts., Tanzania. Basteria 66: 107–112.
2002b     A list of publications and new taxa described. Supplement 1 (1997-2001). B. Verdcourt/Gem Publishing Co., Wallingford.
2002c     Records of non-African tropical snails, Part 1. Conchologists’ Newsletter 10 no. 163: 258–268. [Not listed.]
2002d     Maizan and Guillain. Conchologists’ Newsletter 10 no. 161: 173–175. [Not listed.]
2002e     Images of New Zealand snails. Conchologists’ Newsletter 10 no. 162: 244. [Not listed.]
2002f     Collectors in East Africa – 31: Baron Carl Claus von der Decken (1833–1865). Conchologists’ Newsletter 10 no. 162: 204–211. [Not listed.]
2002g     Collectors in East Africa – 30: Robert [Robin] Kemp (1871–?) (Part 2). Conchologists’ Newsletter 10 no. 162: 215–238. [Not listed.]
2002h     (with A. C. van Bruggen). Case 3248. Prositala Germain, 1915 (Mollusca, Gastropoda): proposed precedence over Massaihelix Germain, 1913. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 59: 239–241. [Not listed. The case was successful: (Opinion 2081, Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 61(3): 184).]
2003a     Emphysetes udzungwensis, a most remarkable new genus and species of slug from the Udzungwa Mountains in southern Tanzania (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Urocyclidae). Basteria 67: 107–111, figs 1–7.
2003b     (with A. H. Wood & B. Rowson). Obituary: Thomas Pain (1915–2003). Journal of Conchology 38: 179–191, figs 1–20. [Not listed]
2004a     New and little known species of terrestrial mollusca from East Africa and Congo (Kinshasa). Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 96: 299–315, figs 1-20.
2004b     A new species of Chlamydarion (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Urocyclidae) from Kenya. Basteria 67: 141–145, figs 1–3.
2004c     An early collection of Gabbiella rosea Mandahl-Barth, 1968 (Gastropoda, Caenogastropoda, Bithyniidae). Basteria 68: 91–92. [Not listed]
2005     A new species of Vitrina (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Vitrinidae) from Kenya with a discussion of the genus in East Africa. Basteria 69: 147–156, figs 1-3.
2006a     A revised list of the non-marine mollusca of East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, excluding Lake Malawi). B. Verdcourt, Maidenhead. 75 pp.
2006b     Two new taxa of land snails of the genera Kalidos and Ampelita from Madagascar (Gastropoda, Pulmonata). Basteria 70: 103–108, figs 1–10.
2006c     Pseudoglessula (Echinoglessula) echinophora subgen. et sp. n. (Mollusca, Pulmonata: Subulinidae) from Ghana. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 98: 173–175, figs 1–2.
2007     Miscellaneous notes on tropical African non-marine Mollusca. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 99: 189–187, figs 1-7.
2009     A list of publications and new taxa described. Supplement 2 (2002-2009). Privately published, Maidenhead. 12pp. [Not listed.]