Identifying British Vertiginidae: Vertigo alpestris and Vertigo geyeri

Vertigo alpestris and Vertigo geyeri


Vertigo alpestris

Vertigo alpestris (Alder,1838)
Description: Whorls moderately tumid; mouth-edge slightly thickened and slightly indented, with no transverse rib behind the outer lip (cf. V.pygmaea); apertural teeth lamella-like, with very little callus around the bases; colour pale yellowish-brown; faint, regular sculpture, giving a characteristic silky lustre.
Habitat: Screes, old walls, rocks, rather dry open woodland.

Vertigo geyeri

Vertigo geyeri Lindholm, 1925
Description: Whorls strongly tumid; mouth edge thinner and convex with no transverse rib behind the outer lip; apertural teeth simple and peg-like, arising without surrounding callus; colour pale reddish-brown; shell glossy, with fine regular growth-lines.
Habitat: Upland calcareous marshes or  flushes with a stable water level.