Saturday 24 January 2015: INDOOR MEETING: lecture and exhibits.

Indoor meeting

Guest Speaker:   Anna Holmes, "British Saddle Oysters".

14:00 – 17:30: Angela Marmont Centre, Natural History Museum, London SW7 5BD.

Saddle Oysters (Anomioidea) can be difficult to identify and there is a long standing debate in the UK over the number of species of Pododesmus in British waters:  one or two? Using DNA and anatomy as well as shell characters I have a conclusive answer to the problem and will present my findings.

This research was aided by a Conchological Society grant.

The talk will start shortly after 14:00, and will be followed by questions and displays.

(Council members please note that there will be a Council meeting before this meeting.)




Bas Payne (01647 24515;